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Where Australia's electricity comes from

This widget is updated every couple of minutes and shows why Australia is such a huge GHG emitter.

Let my charm offensive continue. ;-)

I had this titled "Why not treat Republican's as the intellectual infantiles they are?" but figured I'd better ease into this.

When I think of the unbelievable nonsense Republicans can embrace:
     from believing limitless growth can and should continue,
     to believing that dropping more bombs will solve the problems dropping bombs created in the first place,
     to pretend our actions don't impact Earth's biosphere and life support system,
     to hold our biosphere in contempt and view it as a commodity only good for the plundering,
     to thinking Earth observations can be blatantly ignored, if they stand in the way of profits,
     to remain blind to the destruction two hundred years of avarice has inflicted on this Earth, its biosphere, its varied life forms,
     to insisting that faith trumps objective verifiable facts,
     to mistake their over-bloated egos for God.

So why shouldn't we confront them on those terms?
I'm not just talking to piss people off, I'm talking about forcing them to question some of their base assumptions.

Like trying to deal with malicious little punks and speaking to them accordingly.  Challenge them with something they can respect.
Lordie know (the collective) we've failed up to now.

For me it's been a hell of a few months, still can't wrap my head around Democrats repeated failures, and failure to win the minds or hearts of people.  No one ever seemed to take any of it seriously enough - at least no one on any level or scale to make a difference.  Ever since Reagan and the Jesus Freaks, nothing but backsliding.  Everyone was too busy with consumerism or dreaming of it to care.  I look back on ten years of writing and got tons of stuff that could fall under told-you-so's. But I know what I've done has never amounted to more than basket weaving. Keep waiting for 'that' email, nothing.  Wouldn't feel so bad, if not that so much I read out there never adds a thing.  Buy 'em books and buy 'em books and all they do is eat the covers.  I go from rallying, back down to ultimate despair and sense of failure and worse the utter hopelessness, why give a fuk, no one else seems to, at least not at the level I do.  Not to mention life's nonstop interruptions reminding me I'm just supposed to be a wage slave, busy with busy, who am I kidding trying to write and force some of these issues/thoughts into the mix.  But, then I hit bottom, well fuk, how long ya going lay on the floor.
It seems I can't do it, like the punch drunk kid who keeps getting back up.  This is important and it matters and it's so tragically simple. Excuse me, it's 2:30 am and I felt like rambling.  Sou, thanks for providing this space, it would be nice if over the next year it attracted some energized folks. 



  • Oh yeah, the reason I came by was to share this:

    #14b Debating GOP Disconnect AGW - SPPI, Monckton 35 lies vs Gore’s AIT

    Jan 26, 2017

           *  EM’s response:   Okay, you’ve got me on this one. I did in fact confuse myself between climate science in the media vs the climate science community. I was mainly referencing outlandish claims from Al Gore in “An Inconvenient Truth”. 

    In this continuation of my debate with EM I have allowed him to distract me with SPPI's 35 Errors, Lies and Deceptions contrivance that their "Lord" Monckton has so successfully astro-turfed all over the internet.  I will demonstrate that SPPI and Lord Monckton are in fact the malicious liars who ruthlessly politicize the science in order to confuse and stupefy innocents like my pal EM and to further their self-interested myopic and destructive agenda.  Here I review points 1 through 4: sea level claims, islands drowning, thermohaline circulation slowdown, CO2 drives temps.

    After my introduction
    *   I will first quote SPPI’s Lord M’s claim.  
    *   Then share Gore’s relevant AIT quotes so you can decide for yourselves how honesty (or not) it was described.  
    *   This is followed with some commentary intended to add perspective to the Lord’s spin to offer ‘the rest of the story’ regarding the issue in question.  
    *   Rounding up the exercise I’ll include authoritative links and some YouTube videos to offer genuine learning opportunities regarding the questions raised.   ...


  • edited January 2017
    citizenschallenge said:When I think of the unbelievable nonsense Republicans can embrace:... So why shouldn't we confront them on those terms?

    Look at what they do, not at what they say.
  • Well, I do look at what they do and it's gone from pathetic, to disgusting, to horrifying.  I also notice nothing seems to be slowing down their immersion in ego and self-certainty, facilitated by disconnect from reality that I can't for the life of me fathom.

    Victor if you check in on this comment (or anyone else) could you consider responding to the following statement:

    My working assumption is

    The first order cause of increasing "global" warming is the increased atmospheric insulation, caused by increased concentration of GHG. Behavior of these gases in our atmosphere is understood in exquisite detail. This is what causes our “climate system” to warm, this warming is directly correlated to the amount of GHGs in our atmosphere and happens 24/7/365.25.

    Going from that assumption, a decrease in the rate of “measured” surface warming, must mean that the heat is moving into another reservoir and that we haven’t been able to track it with 100% coverage/accuracy.

    Still the bottom line is that our planet’s virtually closed climate system continues accumulating that heat – the rest is an observation and accounting question.

    >>> If I’ve got that wrong, someone please explain what I’m missing.

  • Nope, sounds about right. Only thing you might want to change is 'assumption' in your second paragraph. We're not assuming Earth's become a heat sink, it's a proven fact. The measurements say so in particular, the laws of thermodynamics say so in general, and the only ones who disagree are the deniers. Saying it's an assumption will just let deniers ignore it because 'you don't actually know then!'.
  • Thank you and fair enough on the "assumption" I was referring to my own operating assumptions, but thanks for mentioning it.  Love your lines: "We're not assuming Earth's become a heat sink, it's a proven fact. The measurements say so in particular, the laws of thermodynamics say so in general, and the only ones who disagree are the deniers."  May well steal that at some time.
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