Heads up “the interpreter” rears his head — HotWhopper Chat HotWhopper Chat
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Heads up “the interpreter” rears his head

edited August 2016 in Deniosaurs

“the interpreter” AKA James Delingpole, will be appearing on next weeks flagship BBC Radio 4's program "Any Question's"

who knows if a "climate" question will come up

but he is always good value for a laugh/cry, if only to peer into the rabbit hole


  • Without a doubt it will especially after his effort in the Spectator.
    The links in the above article make interesting reading, however i bet no retraction by either Spectator or Delingpole will be forthcoming. 

  • Here's a perfect example.  Instead of chasing the game that Delingpole has laid out for public consumption, why not attack the mental process going on within that man.  It doesn't need to be personal, or below the belt.  This is about the words pouring out the man, the words and malicious lies are the target the man is just the mouthpiece.

    But, I believe it's time to publicize and start attacking that idiotic double standard going on.

    Further refining the scientific evidence isn't going to make the slightest difference in their world!

    I believe it's time to focus on their mental landscape. 

    It is their faith-blinded mindset that needs to be dissected, understood, broadcasted and confronted head on.
    If any substantive change is going to happen.  

    This Discussion Forum amongst like minded and motivated individuals gives us an opportunity to hash out some of this stuff.  Take ideas from here and there and refining.  But only if there are enough engaged folks out there willing to participate.

    more personal background stuff:
    I think I'm in a sort of unique position - I've got near half century of engaged climate science spectator under my belt, yet totally outside academia, or professional circles.  So as I've written more and more about it I have always been unencumbered by career and human-relations constraints that all you students and academics and professionals have.  I'm genuine street level, so I've got a bit more of the brawler for survival in me.  I've been up close to and danced around con-artists my entire life, so I've naturally been drawn to confronting contrarians.   It informs my abrasive style, particularly when it comes to confronting bullies.  I'm only vaguely aware of (though I'd like to understand it better) because it's just me and my ideas in a bit of an echo-chamber of my own.  It takes dynamic feedback and sharing to open up full potential of anything.  

    Does anyone out there relate?  
    And what about your ideas and potentials - would you like feedback and networking?

    I'm desperate for an old fashioned Salon where likeminded enjoy duking it out.  I feel comfortable enough here at Hotwhopper that I think I want to push these ideas it a little more.  But there's no point, if no one is interested.  

    If I over do it, or it's unwelcome - let me know.
    Back to Delingpole - how has a goon like that remained in the spotlight spewing the same garage for so long?
  • In case you haven't seen Delingpole's counterattacks yet, here are archived links to two pieces he put up thus far on Breitbart:

    Breitbart #1 - Ocean Acidification: Your Chance To Help Kill This Dodgy Scam Once And For All! - https://archive.is/SADle
    Breitbart #2 - OK everyone: your chance to salt the slug of ocean acidification - https://archive.is/UI1vx

    Delingpole really breaks any delusion-of-grandeur-scale imaginable.

  • just an update on this

    Delingpole is quite a savvy performer on the radio - and certainly on the BBC I suspect he tones it down so as not to come over as a total loon.

    Climate Change, did not come up in the discussion - Nuclear did, especially the new Hinckley Point power station, surprisingly he sided with Larry Sanders in opposing it - much preferring "Fracking" as the solution to all our power/energy needs.

    so no shocker moments - he is just extremely cavalier with the truth.

    In an answer to a question about the NHS and the junior doctors dispute - he immediately led with the comment that all doctors sign the Hippocratic oath - not quite true as he subsequently admitted when it was pointed out to him that it was not an accurate statement.

  • Hinkler what a failed idea going to cost heaps for power let alone the long term clean up mess they leave.

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