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Where Australia's electricity comes from

This widget is updated every couple of minutes and shows why Australia is such a huge GHG emitter.

Roy Spencer

Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. says:

I don’t care if we are a laughingstock to a bunch of countries whose claim to fame is artists and musicians who died hundreds of years ago. Some of us laugh at you, too. Your countries are slowly dying, culturally and economically.

Good luck



  • OMG - seriously? How crass is that.
  • edited July 2017
    Sorry Sou, didn't mean to offend, but I'm pretty damned disgusted in the stuff those two Christy/Spenser have been able to get away with.  (all the while Mann gets tarred and feathered with kindergarten logic and arguments and no-one's been able to change that.)  When I complain that we keep losing, everyone gets offended - rather than starting to take a hard look at why we keep loosing big.
    Like the lack of toe to toe confrontation with the lies being endlessly repeated.  Elections have consequences and lost opportunities are just that lost.  

    Hell where are the people concerned with joining the struggle to convince the brainwashed American masses that science can be trusted and that our planet's biosphere and climate regime is something we depend on and needs to learned about and nurtured?

    Instead I keep hearing the same tired dog-chasing-tail arguments and rationalizations bouncing around the media world, nothing substantive has changed.  

    Too many tipping points crossed while public confusion and apathy kept right on growing.

    signed one crass (or more accurately betrayed) feeling dude.
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