Question about Ocean atmosphere heat transfer, ...
... also differences between ocean absorbing 'sun's' direct rays vs. 'atmosphere's' infrared radiation.
Seems to me this place should be receiving way more traffic and discussion than it has.
I'd like to suggest that this could be a good forum for people to come with their serious climate questions to groups source them.
Here let me give an example of what I'm talking about.
1) Does the way I worded distinction in the opening sentence make sense?
2) What do you make of this sentence (in regard to the Arctic Ocean):
"The ocean emits more heat than it receives from the sun."
3) Is that true on the face of it?
4) How significant is the omission of __?__ infrared radiation received by the oceans?
5) What's the latest on how a melting ice cap is impacting the Arctic Ocean?
5a) Impact of newly exposed surface to ocean heat uptake in that region?
5b) Ocean evaporation and convection currents - how are they're impacting atmospheric dynamics?
5c) What's new on Jet Stream observations
5d) What's happening with Arctic Ocean currents currently?

Now that there's easier access between Atlantic and Pacific Ocean waters?
5e) What major dynamic(s) am I missing here?
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