Engie to shut Victoria's dirtiest coal plant - Hazelwood — HotWhopper Chat HotWhopper Chat
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Engie to shut Victoria's dirtiest coal plant - Hazelwood

From The Age newspaper:
Victoria's dirtiest power station will shut down permanently as early as next April, in a blow to the Latrobe Valley that could cost up to 1000 jobs.
The owner of the Hazelwood plant, French energy giant Engie, is expected to hold a board meeting on October 19 or 20 to finalise a decision to close the aging brown coal-fired plant.

This should have happened years ago. It's the dirtiest coal plant in Victoria, and probably in Australia. 

I wasn't sure where to post this. It's not new tech, it's closing old tech. Nor is it government policy. The owners have made the choice to shut it down.


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