For dud comments from the HotWhopper Blog - this page contains comments not suitable for the main HotWhoppery. It doesn't include all such comments, which are few and far between, thankfully. For reference, see our comment policy. It's fairly liberal but not a free-for-all.
There haven't been too many comments lately that merit a place in HotWhopper uncensored, but this one fits the bill. He or she is as anatomically confused as the one below. It was left by Anonymous on October 28, 2016 at 11:10 AM under the article: Where are the clowns?. As well as being vulgar and not suitable for HotWhopper, it looks as if it's an attempt at a play on this.
hahaha - Creepy Climate Clowns.
grubbier and meaner than a cannibal hyena
her oosik is too small to make any mark at all
and her breakfast bowl of cecotropes she likes to claim are balls
naked mole rats find her sweet and think she knows watt's what.
"sou!",they shout and pigs come eat. Venemas twits tweet twat.
and then there's pus must not discuss unhappy macnam on the bozo bus.
Here is a comment, illustrating again the level of intellect of Mark Steyn's fans. This one from Anonymous who left his (he has to be a he) anatomically confused comment on December 5, 2015 at 12:15 PM under the article: What a treat for Judith Curry - supping with the morally depraved:
So Soi, sounds like you haven't had a piece of ass in a long time. Bet you have trouble finding someone who can stomach you?
From Chuck, who despite a note telling him where his comment is published, couldn't find it. Chuck posted this comment on December 5, 2015 at 10:08 AM, under the article: What a treat for Judith Curry - supping with the morally depraved:. (Despite what Chuck seems to think, most women are not cowards. I have always liked being a woman.) It is not possible to have an intelligent discussion with a person like Chuck, who "believes" that climate change is a stupid, leftist pseudo-religion, a fraud, and a criminal conspiracy.
The mark of a dickless coward is to delete comments said coward knows it can't intelligently defend in a two way discussion, so the coward deletes and then opines on what the coward deleted. Pretty much sums up the tactics of the purveyors of this childish religion called "climate change". Notice these asshats don't argue in favor of "climate same", because even they know how ridiculous that would make their voodoo appear to the passive viewer.
There were a lot of visitors to HotWhopper from Mark Steyn's blog today. Here is a sample of the sort of fans he must have. Ahmed/Anonymous left a comment on the article "What a treat for Judith Curry - supping with the morally depraved", which isn't suitable for HotWhopper, nor for the main HotWhoppery. Is that why Mark Steyn doesn't allow comments on his blog? He doesn't want to admit what his fanbase is composed of?
If only the earth was cooler, or warmer or something, Ayatollah Obama said it would stop those Syrian refugees from bumping into our necks with their knives
Posted by Anonymous to HotWhopper on December 3, 2015 at 11:04 PM and again by Ahmed on December 3, 2015 at 11:47 PM
This comment from David Smith was not left at HotWhopper, it was written under an article I and others co-authored at David Smith, who claims to be a secondary school teacher, had written some denialist tripe (you can follow his devolution here and here and here and here and then the comment as below here) and I'd responded (here and here and here). He then took to trolling on an article at HotWhopper, writing a number of comments in quick succession. I deleted the worst of them, and reposted one at the main HotWhoppery website, indicating he would no longer be commenting at HotWhopper. As is common with denier trolls he sank even lower. This, mind you, is after he complained about my lack of class for this comment. In his reply you can see the typical early signs of (rather haggard) devolution. This latest comment from him is illustrating the unsavoury traits he showed first at, then in his HotWhopper comments, but even more forcefully. His comment is a repost of the one he posted at on 21 November 2015 (Australian time) and his comment (and his personal fantasies) are deemed unsuitable for the main HotWhoppery.
Aah, Miriam. You couldn’t take the heat with me having a laugh at your expense over at your blog so you got all censorious and deleted half my posts and blocked me. I’m heartbroken! A loony old woman who hangs onto any leftist cause that passes her way has tried to push me out of her life. What am I to do? Oh, I know. I’ll get on with living my life with my wife. She’s a blonde, elegant, and beautiful woman with a biting wit who has enough strength of character that she doesn’t have to starting ‘burning her bra’ and getting all shouty like you do when a red-blooded male argues back. As an added bonus, she’s also a multi-millionaire, so we can fly wherever we want, take taxis absolutely everywhere, and eat huge amounts of the choicest cuts of cow at ridiculously expensive restaurants in the heart of London. We spent this evening at the Berners Tavern. It’s marvellous. If you’re ever in town you should try it sometime. I can heartily recommend the cocktails: It really is the high-life and our carbon footprint is massive, although it’s nowhere near as large as Saint Al Gore’s. How did I snare such an amazing woman? I’m unbelievably good in bed. Isn’t life grand? Ho hum, you’re probably so angry with everyone ’cause you’re not getting enough time in the sack with your partner of choice. There, I bet that’s got your blood boiling, hasn’t it. I await your next angry reply…
On July 11, 2015 at 11:47 PM, Mack left a comment on the article "Important review paper on sea level and ice melt"
"......not having enough wit to realise that "it" could mean conditions in general..." says Millisense. Yeah , that's right Millibrain..."general conditions" ?? the atmosphere belting down about 324w/sq.m of "greenhouse" backradiation, 24/7, and stuff like that eh, Microbrain.
Nah, it's the sun stupid. The sun melts snow and ice... not the atmosphere. Hope a big thaw can occur in your brain..there's enough room for some sunlight to get through the hole in your head you've been talking through....pommie commie idiot.
On 30 January at 2015 at 2:40 am, Anonymous left a comment on the post "NOAA and temperature data - it must be a conspiracy":
Call me a science denier again you lying left wing child fucking prick, and I'm shoving 40 tons of CO2 of your incompetent ass.
Followed a minute later by the comment below. I'm guessing Anonymous is a science denier who has an alarming obsession with paedophilia, and who, when he or she gets upset, resorts to vulgarity:
No dickless, you and the rest of your man made global warming child rapists continue to lie and I am sick to fucking death of it. Lie again prick, and I'll drag you and your stupid ass to court and have you thrown in prison for fraud.
Comment by Luboš Motl on May 15, 2014 at 4:40 PM
Decent people all over the world should find all conceivable legal tools to physically liquidate ultra extreme fascists who authored the disgusting article on this blog and who have intimidated the Swedish scientist. Apologizing the reaction by the climate fascists is unforgivable and as far as I can say, William Connolley and the cripple on this blog should get a death penalty.
[Sou: under normal circumstances this comment wouldn't make the grade for the HotWhoppery. It would be deleted like other similar comments are, and that'd be that. Because I was away and didn't pick it up immediately, this comment got some attention in the blogosphere, probably because the author is a scientist himself (not a climate scientist), so I've copied it here for the record.]
Pacific Black Duck (Amas superciliosa).