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Debating GOP Disconnect From Climate Science (and Earth Appreciation)

Those of you familiar with me know that I've produced a number of "Virtual Debates" in that I take things people have said (lecturers) or written stuff and dissect it to the best of my abilities.  Been doing it a while 2010 and the Lord being my first. 
It was followed by an 11+ installment reviewing Monckton's Minnesota Free Market Institute presentation, Autumn 2010.  Having minimal grammar/writing schooling, it's a bit rough no doubt.  I like to think I've been improving with time, but who knows.  In any event, I've got me another Debate Series going, not a virtual one either.  It started with a bright college kid commenting on a recent post where I was tearing into Republicans.  It was fairly well written and smooth, so I produced a couple stand alone posts built on critiqing a couple of his comments.  I left my usual invitation for him to write a thoughtful guest post responding to my critique, and damned if I didn't receive an email, 22 point monster, nearly 4000 words, though a bunch of that was quoting me.  Well written and polite.  His point simply reinforced the misguided notions I'd already jumped on.  In other words, he provided me an excellent vehicle for trying to enunciate my specific complains and observations.

Poor guy used his real name in his first comments without realizing who's arena he was stepping into.  In his email he voiced a concern about his original comments with his name - he's a student he don't need no hassles, just trying to get his degree.  (I did not use his name in my posts). I tried eliminating his original comments as per his request.  Unfortunately, his comments got deleted, but the name and time of original posting remains.  Our exchange helped build a little mutual trust and humanity between.  He's a college student and back to his studies and a bit surprised at what he walked into and won't be continuing the dialogue, which is fine.  I'm still working through his "punch list" and I'm sure we'll continue a little bit of off the wire correspondence.  It's nice to meet someone who can take critique like a balanced adult.  

I bring all this up because I like to think this series is more explanatory and less hostile that say my Jim Steele Debates where I'm dealing with a malicious transparent destructive fraud.  Here I believe I'm dealing with late 20s smart guy who's only been exposed to one side of the story.  It feels nicer, like we're actually trying to have an intellectual exchange, rather than a mud fight.  At least that's how I'd like to imagine it.  If anyone is interested.  If anyone wanted to offer any sort of feedback, it would be welcome.

#A - Considering the Republican Disconnect From Planet Earth. (Where EM's debate started.)

#3 EM has his say. Debating the Republican Disconnect from Earth's realities.

#4. Debating Republican Disconnect From - Climate Science History
#5. Debating Republican Disconnect From Climate Science - Model Uncertainty
#6 Debating Republican Disconnect From Climate Science - Model substance + contrarian scientists
#7 EM Debate - How about, An Essay Concerning Our Weather?
#8 Debating GOP Disconnect From Climate Science - It’s The Economy Stupid!
#9 Debating GOP Disconnect From AGW - Astroturfing Repost, Scott Church
#10 Debating GOP Disconnect From AGW - Who's doing the politicizing?
#11 Debating GOP Disconnect From AGW - Difference of Opinion. Not Even!
#12 Debating GOP Disconnect AGW - Science Economy Should Compromise. Say What?!

As for the "fake skeptic" tag, that would refer to the memes he's repeating.     =)


  • CC, I left a long comment on your blog. Unfortunately, it was so long I had to break it up into 7 parts, LOL. Sorry.
  • I just saw that and have posted the comments.  Thank you for taking the time.  I've also copied all the comments into a document and think I want to reformat it so that I can post the whole thing as it's own stand alone post.  Wouldn't change any of the words unless I see typos or such.  I'm just half way into the first one, but trust I'll like the rest of it too.  Any objections?  
    Can I use "PG_Antioch" or would you like me to credit it differently? Let me know.
  • edited January 2017
    PG_Antioch is great. Hopefully there aren't TOO many typos...

    Sorry again that it was so long. I just can't abide how confused deniers are.
  • #14c Debating GOP Disconnect AGW - PG_Antioch takes EM to task for misrepresenting Gore’s AIT

    An internet pal, PG_Antioch, took the time to read EM's opening statement back at "#3 EM has his say. Debating the Republican Disconnect from Earth's realities."  He was so appalled at EM's transparent gullibility and the silliness of EM's statements that he took the time to write a number of specific responses pointing out why EM is so terribly mistaken.  I found his critique to be spot-on and am making it a stand alone guest post and an example of directly confronting the contrarian nonsense.  Ignoring it only reinforces their smug deliberate unhinging from down to Earth realities.

    PGA included a number of excellent links to support his various claims (a normal convention among folks trying to inform each other) and I've added a few more.  I also took the liberty of highlighting various passages, but I leave PGA's words as they were.
    PG_Antioch wrote  . . .

  • PGA, as for typos, I'm sure I found two, though I can only actually remember finding one.  I should be so lucky with my writing.  
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