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Where Australia's electricity comes from

This widget is updated every couple of minutes and shows why Australia is such a huge GHG emitter.

Get ready...

edited September 2016 in Latte Bar
This chat forum and the Wiki will open next Tuesday (Australian time). If anyone has more suggestions of resources, links, videos whatever for the Wiki, can you either add them to the Wiki directly or post them in a comment somewhere please.

I'll do a post on the blog on Tuesday, so all of you who are on Twitter or Facebook or wherever, would be great it you would pass the word around after I've announced it.

Also - if there is anything you can suggest that is a "must do" before letting everyone in - let me know.

A big thank you to all for making the place come alive :)


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Welcome to HotWhopper Chat

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Welcome to HotWhopper Chat!

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