Why no "Climate Hot Map" tracking and tabulating unfolding extreme weather events? — HotWhopper Chat HotWhopper Chat
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Why no "Climate Hot Map" tracking and tabulating unfolding extreme weather events?

I just mentioned this in another post as a side thought, but I want to make it, it's own thread because it actually been bugging me for decades.

Why is there still no blogs dedicated to tracking and tabulating extreme weather events?  
Seems to me the thing would be getting tens of thousands of visits.
Might even produce some revenue if the group wanted.

HotMap, http://www.climatehotmap.org looks like someone's great idea that got set up, but 2011 is the last up date - and it was all about explaining the situation and I guess a site map.  They started see http://www.climatehotmap.org/global-warming-locations/lake-tanganyika-tanzania-africa.html but then it stopped.

It's good, but it doesn't follow up, record and or tabulate actual events as they unfolded these past years, let alone decades.  
Hotmap looks like it's a great template - something could be built around it fairly easily (seems to me).

It boggles my mind that nothing like that exists.
If one does please let me know.
and why are they so hard to find?



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